August 31, 2016

Canning pears

Our pear tree goes nuts every other year. The first year we moved here it seemed like there were gobs of them all the sudden and, unprepared, I didn't get most of them. They fell to the ground for the deer and the bees to devour. This year, though, I'm ready. I've been going out every day collecting any that have started to fall. 

My first whole basket I made pear slices in light syrup. Here's how I did it. 

First I had to peel and cut up my pears. I had a bowl ready with cold water and a little lemon juice to put them in. 

Then I prepared my syrup by mixing 1 cup of sugar with 4 cups of water. I brought it to a boil and added the pears then turned it down to simmer for about five minutes. 

Finally, I used a slotted spoon to pack my jars and then poured syrup in over them. 

After cleaning the rims and putting on my lids and bands, I processed the jars in a hot water bath for 20 minutes. 

I'm excited for this healthy snack!  Reminds me of my grandmother, who always made canned peaches. 

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