March 13, 2016

A baby move

Josh worked into the late night Thursday to get walls up on the first part of the coop expansion.

The siding isn't supposed to get wet until it's been painted so I came home early Friday and knocked it out. 

I got the hardware cloth up around the top, bedding on the floor, heat lamps hung, and food and water set up.  It was getting dark but I decided to go ahead and move the little girls over. I grabbed them up about 10 at a time and put them in a large container to carry them out. When I scooped them out and placed them in their new home they huddled together wildly in the corner by the heat lamps. I wasn't sure if they were scared or cold so I set up some styrofoam
Insulation around them to keep their heat contained. 

When I came out in the morning, they were all running about and seemed happy. 

They have so much more room now and can fly because the ceiling is so tall. They are checking out different perches and exploring their new space. 

And they have their very own bouncer at the door 😀

Can't you just hear this bird saying, "W'sup? What you want?"

Here's some more close ups of the growing babies...

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